What about the Dutch KKK?

In Dutch, KKK stands for: Kiezer, Kamer and Koning. The chooser (voter), chamber (the second chamber = parliament) and the king. All ignored by the duarchy of Mark Rutte and Hugo de Jonge, officially the prime minister and vice-PM, they call the shots.

They ignore the election result (therefore this cabinet is illegal).

Complaints by parliament about falsely labeling PCR test-results as corona-virus contaminations (to justify more severe punishments of the people) are blatanly ignored. When concerned (scared) citizens write to the king with pleas for help, the answer is always an “I’m sorry, but I cannot help you.”

Let us presume that the king wants to justify his preposterous income stolen from the tax payer (millions per year, including his daughter getting €1,000,000/year, just for the hard work of having been born into the right family 18 years ago. How does that not deform her teenage mind into a supreme entitled brat? Our future beloved queen; we can’t wait…)

Anyway, back to trying to justify that income. We may assume that he tries to talk some sense into the dictator-duo, and the duarchy just ignores him. As they ignore the protests, on Tien-an-Men field (officially named the Malieveld, but I rebranded it) and on the Museum square (really also a field of grass) in Amsterdam. As well as the written protests (sent to the PM’s ministry of general affairs.

And that is why we, the Dutch people, can count ourselves lucky that there is respect for the law in this country (oh, wait) and therefore the jurisprudence from the treaty of Versailles may (nay: must) be used to remove this tyrrany (unlawful government). To avoid deserved punishment, as happened to the German people when they neglected to stop the emperor.

Since we cannot expect the duarchy to not resume their attacks on the Dutch people, even after a thorough caning (when left in power, they’ll just increase security by e.g. sending infiltrators among the population, to squelch opposition. And cement their absolute power. We are forced to ztop thrm by removing them.

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I am an author & an anarchist

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