About that MMT

Socialists think they have found a way to keep on spending more and more.They call it Modern Monetary Theory, and it goes a bit like this: the government can print any amount of money it needs, to pay for whatever it wants, and tweak the value of the money, without running up deficits. There is a whole lot more to it, I forgot the mechanics. but esentially the value of the money would fluctuate and be utterly unpredictable. Meaning of course, that it will isolate the country more effectively than any wall ever could, because nobody will want to do business with that country. Just as no bank will want to hold the currency, because it will cost them an unpredictable amount in their own (stable) currency. So: nobody will engage in commerce. The only way it might work, is with one world currency or one world government. There is still a risk for the socialists to seize upon MMT, as a tool to cope with the social security disaster. “Look, we’re gonna have to implement MMT right now! (What’s that? Oh yeah, also give us total control over every minutest aspect of human live, I suppose, what a coincidence,we’ve neen working hard to make live hell for everyone on earth. And now it just falls into our laps. But if you don’t give total control over to us, you condemn hundreds of millions to death by starvation, you meany person!)” Find a way out of this. And: think!

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I am an author & an anarchist

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