Every new variant proves that any government that

Every new variant proves that any government that yammers on about mRNA-jabs chooses to not exist. For decades now, pple have understood ‘vaccine’ to mean ‘inert germ-DNA that safely teaches the body’s natural immune system to recognize and fight the real deal.’ And that is the reason why, since childhood you are protected for life (!) against mumps, meazles, rubella etc. mRNA only targets a single spike-proteine. When this mutates (evolution dictates it will), then the jab becomes useless (but still carries its own health risk). Anyone foolish/selfish enough to take the jab, just to be able to feel superior to the stupid rubes that did not dov so, has chosen to externalize their immune system. Meaning: the new variant will first kill many fakecinated people, then gets identified / isolated, a replacement (not booster) must get developed, tested / produced / distributed / mandated (resisted by those smart enough to not take the first jab). In the mean time, countless of jabbed (at risk) people will die. This cycle will only stop when the last selfish jab-iot dies of: lockdown (despair/poverty), covid (whether 19, 26, 32 or whatever that variant wil be called then), gun shot, whatever. Only then will the world be safe from corona virus. Great job, government! You have proven to the people that they don’t stand a chance to survive, when the government exists.

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I am an author & an anarchist

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