Proposal to stop climate policy

Address to any parents of schoolgoing children: Your children are probably taught lies about the climate). If your country has laws against political indoctrination om the books (I know the UK does, or did: Stuart Dimmock won a case concerning the inaccuracies (lies) in Al Gore’#s biopic “An inconvenient truth”.) If one performs this: live in court, it will have been incontrovertibly proven that CO2 does not affect the climate. This vid lasts 9 minutes. Since Kyoto (december ’97), there have been ±1.4 million 9-minutes. It is understandable that Al Gore could not find the time, as he was too busy jetting round the world, to warn people for the dangers of CO2. But that no (IPCC-)scientist, minister (secretary), civil servant, member of parliament (congress) or journalist anywhere in the world has been able to find the time, borders on the nigh-on unbelievable. A proper emotional packaging of this message, might help convince even the most politically activist judge (I propose fear). That after 8 years of Obama/Biden and 7 wars, 1 Nobel for peace and 0 days of peace it is a stretch to believe thet in the case of some virus, politicians suddenly do mean well for us. Which is keeping people from taking the jabs politicians push.

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I am an author & an anarchist

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