Time for a digital guilder


Time for a digital guilder (/Franc/Mark/Drachme/Lire/whatever). Not crypto, but not physical either. Strictly a currency to pay with debitcard, maybe it would be an option for creditcards also. Not controlled by government, but as easy to use as regular currency.<p>
What would determine the money’s value? (Crypto does not have gold backing, state currencies don’t either) So just like crypto start with an amount with slight inflation up until the amount is big enough for all of Europe to use, without big price shocks. Faster/cheaper than crypto, using less energy.<p>
While not enabling all the warfare that consumes more energy and destroys lives (wasting the ebergt that went into creating those).<p>
Maybe start your own bank? Offering only accounts in your own currency. Keep the state out of it. Resist attempts at nationalization.<p>
Pitfall: of course this currency would have to be adopted by the other banks also, and by the central transaction processor. (still Equens?) and shops and customers and workers.<p>
Start of with a small section, of the economy and grow into the rest.
This is intriguing, but needs to be worked out and implemented, before the CBDC gets shoved down our gullets.
https://fee.org/resources/denationalization-of-money/ https://mises.org/library/denationalisation-money-argument-refined

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I am an author & an anarchist

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