‘Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe Blasts WEF

https://dcenquirer.com/watch-dirty-jobs-mike-rowe-blasts-world-economic-forum-for-blaming-everyday-people-for-all-the-trouble-in-the-world/ They are explicitly asking for an uprising. 500 private-jets gather in Davos, to agree on how we-the-inferiors are to be punished for letting them get a way with all their climate-crimes. Meaning: if we are not to get punished (is the next step in this nightmare that a judge will rule that we are not allowed any opinion on the matter of our punishment for things we did not do?), we will have to stop our enemies ourselves. And safe the cllimate while we’re at it. Dutch page, for anyome interested: https://dissident.one/2021/07/09/bonussen-voor-grootverdienende-miljardairs-eu-stelt-privevliegtuigen-vrij-van-kerosinebelasting-klaus-schwab The shamelessness is taken beyond extremes. That is quite scary, tbh. If they chose to have no shame, how will they ever exercise self-restraint when, it comes to the people?

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I am an author & an anarchist

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