Doomsday The CO2-output of every war is enormous, this one included. The west is not trying to negotiate this war to an end, but rather sends weapons in an attempt to prolong/intensify it. Which is more important? Defeating Russia, or not killing all life on earth through catastrophic climate change I’m reminding esp. the christian politicians, that it is god’s creation the Democrats are working to destroy. And you let them. I,don’t have to remind climate activists that the politicians YOU elected are doing this, coz climate avtivists are filthy, power hungry hypocrites, that only feign concern for the climate to have their way with us. Oh: in 8 years of Obama/Biden they presided over 7 wars,,2 terms, 1 Nobel for peace and 0 days of peace. And 0 qualms by Al Gore. Trump, in 4 years had 6 peace treaties, and 1 qualm from Al Gore. Andhe’s the climate-baddy.

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I am an author & an anarchist

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