‘Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe. This scares me


This is why I am scared utterly whitless. There is no chance that they believe any of their climate posturing.

Including of course, the old familiar refrain of Obama+Biden presiding over 7 wars, during their 8 years as Prez and VP, 2 terms, 1 Nobel for peace and zero days of peace as well as zero qualms by Al Gore. Comoare to Donald Trump: 4 years, 6 peace treaties and one qualm from Al Gore.

How much more proof could anyone need before it dawns that our overlords are only in it for the sadistic pleasure? Are they trying to exterminate or exploit us? Either way, we are in deep excrement.

Add to this, the antifascists who claim to be do very concerned about the rise if fascism, while they themselves want what Mussolini wanted (They all feel that the state is more important tham the people living in it).

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I am an author & an anarchist

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