Debating collectivism

Ran into another FB-debate with socialists this morning. The inherently losing side (inevitably them), frequently resorted to nonsense arguments like this one: “You try to build a car on your own, I’ll do it with a bunch of other people, we’ll see who gets done first.”

If they have to resort to grasping at straws (-men), why not give up?* Let us first define exactly what this debate is about:

collectivism means that there exists an intangible (not-existing) thing called the collective, to the interests of which any (other) individual may be sacrificed.

Individualism holds that: indivdials are tangible, sentient beings. (which may not be sacrificed to nebulous causes).

Collectivism is inherently false: they say it is true, I say it isn’t. Which proves me right, unless I am not in their rather selective collective, which again proves…

Collectivism is individualism gone amuck: C wants collectivism to be true, I offer arguments against it, C throws tantrums, because his petty private pleasures feel threatened.

Sacrificing soldiers and citizens to the country, is the height of individualism. Just in order to please some sociopath (politician), who has no country/government without people to govern.


Onze grote leiders (die overigens ons WO3 in proberen te krijgen) proberen ons fabrieksvlees te laten eten: de ingrediënten staan op de verpakking. Nee, dat is niet waar ze de plastic doos van hebben gemaakt, maar de inhoud. Echt, gezond vlees heeft maar 1 ingrediënt: vlees.

Er zijn er nog die blijven volhouden dat je van calorieën dik wordt. Eet es 1 weekje een keto-dieet met veel vet, weeg je elke dag en vraag je dan af, waarover je je nog meer hebt laten voorliegen.