To ex, or to ex? Attempt to answer the question

This line is getting tedious: There have been >1/2 a century of traffic jams on Dutch roads, incl 1/4 century of the Kyoto-protocol, 1/8 century of Prime minister Mark Rutte and 5 years of current climate minister Rob Jetten in parliament.

And the ongoing expeditionary warfare, in the Middle-east and Afghanistan was followed by a western-provoked invasion in the Ukrayne. the question is: are they trying to exterminate us (and all life on earth, including themselves and Ukraynians?), or are they trying to exploit us? or to exterminate us?

Really, both are possible.

Let’s try to divine which is the one:

Kill pro: (they sincerely believe #CO2 is harmful)

Ongoing refusal to deal with Dutch traffic jams (this can also be a pro for exploitation)

Ongoin unprovoked expeditionary warfare. Causing vast amounts of CO2 (and costing heaps of money, which taxpayers have to produce by emitting lots of CO2)

Kill con (This is exploit pro)

They don’t believe CO2 is harmful.

At least 3/4 of a century of housing shortage in the Netherlands

But if they would want to destroy life on earth, they would try to kill themselves, with us. Otoh, why would that discount this position? Anyone crazy enough to want to destroy all life on the only planet known to house it (there are several of planets lightyears away that might be able to house life, but – earth-like – life has only ever been confirmed on earth.)

Combined with: ongoing absorption of refugees, even though The Netherlands is probably the most densely populated country in the world. Accepted asylum seekers can’t leave the shelter, because they can not find a house. So: shortage of shelter-space.

Imposition of the Euro, on countries with widely diverging cultures/economies. Any look at the exchange rates of the currencies had shown it could not work. Maths (Benford’s law) had strongly suggested that the Greek govt had faked it’s economic data. This was ignored, for the purpose of getting Greece into the Euro anyway and to make it a drain in the taxpayers of northern countries. And sent its own economy to shreds.

Important preface:

The US armed forces emit as much CO2 as 140 countries.

During their 8 years, president Obama and VP Biden have regularly stated that climate change is real, and needed to be fought by taxing the fertilizer out of the people. Yet they did not change their behaviour. In their 8 years, they had 7 wars, 1 Nobel for peace and 0 days of peace. And Al Gore did not even clear his throat at that.

Donald Trump: in his 4 years he had 6 peace treaties, and a few military interventions, at a smaller scale than those of Clinton/Gore(!) or Obama/Biden). Making him the best climate president in the entire history of the USA. And yet Al Gore criticized Donald Trump, for withdrawing from the fake Paris-accord. Thereby suggesting very strongly, that it was all political posturing. About getting his political way and enslaving all humanity in perpetuity.

The fake Paris-accord was no more than propaganda: pathetic, hollow posturing. Counttries just wrote on a piece of paper what they might do, iirc Bangladesh promised to start reducing CO2 after it had reached peak emissions! All those hollow gestures were stapled together, hailed as the grestest thing to happen to mankind since the Atom bomb.

In my humble opinion, the preponderance of evidence points to exploitation, not extermination.

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I am an author & an anarchist

One thought on “To ex, or to ex? Attempt to answer the question”

  1. Clinton and his VP Gore (yes, that Gore) chose to fight a war with Haiti, to force the Haitians to put up with Arustide.
    Look at the fifferent sizes of the two countries: how likely is it, that Haiti initiated an attack on the USA, thereby justifying an American response?
    This was an unprovoked war of aggression, a completely unjustifiable boost of carbon emission.
    It wouod be nice, if climate activists would have the decency to take on the greatest climate criminal in the world: the govt.
    But thry choose not to. Instead they chose to make the govt be even,more cruelagainst the people, that are often left without a choice.


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