The choice

Here FEE describes, why the Inca-empire, which spanned the entire north cap of south America, and had the ability to demand military service from its entire population, got destroyed by the crew of one boat from across the Atlantic. It depended on socialist force to keep the population down. So when a stranger came and saw something he did not like, he could kill them all. Without too much resistance. Sadly, the Inca economy was kept artificially small, so the nation state could not develop the strength to cope with surprises. Or have the people take up arms in sufficient quantity to fight the foreign threat, to protect their way of life, which they were not able to chetish, because all their entire lives were claimed by the selfish state. Which existed not to serve its inhabitants, but to extract service from them.

I’ve sspoken some statists who claim that it was European illnesses killed the incas. If that was so: why did Inca illnesses not kill the Spaniards?

Or why did the European viruses not kill the Spanish who took the viruses with them in a small boat over the span of several months. Before Pfizer or Moderna were founded. According to the models, the crews should have died out, long before finishing the crossing.

Also: natural immunity is not a thing, is it?

This is where the left has to make a choice: either socialism /statism doesn’t work.or the state (abd ulits goons) lied about natural immunity against #covid


Het minimumloon moet worden afgeschaft, want houdt werkloosheid in stand. Als een werkgever een klusje heeft, welke pak m beet E10 per uur extra winst oplevert, en het minimumloon is E15 (wat het in NL ook is), dan neemt hij niemand aan, voor die klus. Die krijgen dan dus geen werkervaring (Dit zijn doorgaans jongeren, die juist ervaring nodig hebben)

WEF Adviser Calls for Elections to Be Scrapped

He does have a point: with substitution of #elections for #democracy, sadism has become the determining factor in politics. Whichever politician looks most painful for others, gets the most votes. Then the right retreats into defensive voting, which achieves nothing. Best to scrap government in full. The best defense is offense, after all.

12-Year-Old on mass surveillance

I feel like giving her a big hug.

Such a future would leave everyone unsafe. Coz politicians (that undesirable evolutionary off-shoot of homo sapiens) would would not be able to restrain themselves, with such power over citizens. Anyone who denies that, is a malicious liar and at least, deserves to not be taken seriously. Just look at #climate: they happily launch consecutive, unprovoked, expeditionary wars, spewing vast iunts of #CO2. Meaning: they either don’t believe what they say, and use it to exploit us, or they do believe and try to exterminate us.

Martin Bosma Links-radicalen

Ze willen een opstand. Ze blijven proberen het volk uit te moorden (covid-19 – 21, files & oorlogen+ Kyoto), maar zonder volk om over te regeren, kan geen regering bestaan. Dus zijn wij wettelijk strafbaar tenzij wij deze landverraders tegenhouden! Krijgen we een lintje, als we de regering afzetten?

Aanpak van klimaat

Het huidige klimaatbeleid heeft geresulteerd in aanhouden van de klimaatcrisis. Klups als Extinction Rebellion, D’66, GroenLinks, … helpen hun geloofwaardigheid niet door klimaat te blijven aangrijpen als hockeystick-vormig slaghout om mee op de burger in te meppen.

Het klimaatprobleem is alleen op te lossen, met vereende krachten. Helaas zal geen activist/politicus (Nederlands of niet) ooit bereid zijn het goede voorbeeld te geven en acceptatie te helpen. Lekker autoritair tekeer gaan is veel te leuk. Democratie op zn Haags.

Bovenstaande geldt ook voor asielopvang/immigratie/integratie.

‘Time to Do It for Real,’ Advocates Say of Biden So, really:

Record-high temperatures in Europe.

record-high CO2-emissions in Ukrayne.

I can count to 2.

Can Joe Biden, Al Gore and Greta Thunberg?

So: the advocates plead for the pple to rise up against the traitetorous climate activists governing us.

Fair enough. Finally, we are in agreement (actually on the same side).

It is NOT about the money

If it were about the money: how come the worst regimes are always #socialist. And #socialism is the assured way of making everybody poor, whether labourer, vagrant, chief of secret police, or party leader.


Zoals Anton Tsjekov al zei: vertel mij niet dat de maan schijnt; toon mij de weerkaatsing in gebroken glas. Terg mij niet met hautaine, moraliserende preken gevolgd door strafbelastingen, maar geef het goede voorbeeld: probeer jezelf serieus te laten nemen, in plaats van jezelf uit te leven op de weerloze burger. Als klimaat echt een probleem is, dan moeten we dit samen oplossen.