The choice

Here FEE describes, why the Inca-empire, which spanned the entire north cap of south America, and had the ability to demand military service from its entire population, got destroyed by the crew of one boat from across the Atlantic. It depended on socialist force to keep the population down. So when a stranger came and saw something he did not like, he could kill them all. Without too much resistance. Sadly, the Inca economy was kept artificially small, so the nation state could not develop the strength to cope with surprises. Or have the people take up arms in sufficient quantity to fight the foreign threat, to protect their way of life, which they were not able to chetish, because all their entire lives were claimed by the selfish state. Which existed not to serve its inhabitants, but to extract service from them.

I’ve sspoken some statists who claim that it was European illnesses killed the incas. If that was so: why did Inca illnesses not kill the Spaniards?

Or why did the European viruses not kill the Spanish who took the viruses with them in a small boat over the span of several months. Before Pfizer or Moderna were founded. According to the models, the crews should have died out, long before finishing the crossing.

Also: natural immunity is not a thing, is it?

This is where the left has to make a choice: either socialism /statism doesn’t work.or the state (abd ulits goons) lied about natural immunity against #covid

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I am an author & an anarchist

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