Is this really how the left sees itself?

Is this really how the left sees itself? As the well-meaning (and morally and intellectually superior) victim? When it is the fucking left that started hysterically assaulting anyone within reach.

Obama+Biden: 8 years, 7 wars, 2 terms, 1 Nobel for peace and 0 days of peace, 0 complaints, even comments by Al Gore.

Then came Trump: 6 peace treaties in 4 years, complaints up the wazoo by assorted pundits incl Gore. Trump was the best climate prez ever, yet Gore compained about him. Confirming that CC was not real, only a hockey-stick shaped baton to beat on the people with.

By voting for Biden, 80 mln Dems committed acts of terrorism (record turnout!)

Dems were so keen to take revenge on Trump-voters, that they were willing to destroy all life on earth to kill them.

How might mankind cope with such hatred? Open season on registered Dems? Or giving them a chance to admit they never believed in CC. (Just like Al Gore) they only saw it as an oppiOorrunity to prove their superiority over non-Dems and to justify the punishments they doled out.

Why would citizens make sacrifices to lower carbon-emissions, when the govt will simply compensate that lowering by launching unprovoked expeditionary war after unprovoked expeditionary war? In an attempt to keep CO2-level dangerously high.