7 Major Failures of the Biden Presidency incl. a biggy


Unbelievably, former Secretary of State John Kerry, Biden’s climate czar, said the situation in Ukraine is worrying because Russia will be distracted from staying “on track” to fight climate change.

So: Johnny boy the climate saviour is fully aware of the climate crime called the Ukraine war, yet does nothing to stop it. Rather: the regime he is part of joyfully piles avoidable emission upon avoidable emission. Then expects the people to make sacrifices to reduce their emissions (forces them to). Because: you know, we have to save the planet.

Yah, sure: if the people make sacrifices to reduce emissions, the government will compensate by launching another unprovoked war. That’s hardly leading by example, dude. In fact: that means that anyone lacking the moral fortitude to keep emissions high, in order to prevent future wars, is guilty of provoking the country into war.

Is this treason by the supreme cmdr, or by the people, or both?

Treason by the supreme cmdr will mean a military tribunal will sentence him to the firing squad. Treason by citizens is a bullshite concept. Even if you call it sedition, it is still the government that forces itself upon the people and thus has no moral right to expect defense by the people it abuses.

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I am an author & an anarchist

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