Trudeau Explains That His Carbon Tax Isn’t Working

Canada is flooding AND it is on fire!

Climate fires are sensational! They start from contact with water!

Thanks to #climateChange, H2O is an accellerant! Please, let some scientist quickly tell this to the fire-dept, before they burn down the entire country, trying to put out a fire in someone’s kitchen. People will not be able to escape the fire by jumping into the ocean.

If Trudeau cares so much about reducing energy waste, let him abolish the govt, in its entirety. Coz there has never been any citizen who has ever experienced any benefit from the existence of the #nation state. It is an unimaginable waste of energy! For the sake of the climate: abolish central power! (incl. the individual nations AND any union of them)

Lefties losing it strongly suggests something Also lefty: Joe Biden and the unprovoked (except by the west) war in Ukrayne, causing the belching out ofvast amounts of CO2, which Joey-boy (and other government-leaders) says is bad for the climate, will kill all life on earth (though apparently not the people of Ukrayne and the USA). Either they believe in their climate-proseletysing and use it to exterminate life on earth, or they don’t believe in it and use it as an excuse to exploit the people. Neither can be allowed to go on. This suggests that leftism isn’t just a tragicomic mental aberration, but a form of sadistic abuse.