Review of: The wolf of Snow Hollow

Saw this production on Netflix recently. Gotta say: I found it to be flawed. Though the acting seemed fine (I’ll start of with something good), the writing wasn’t. The main character, John, is the son of the local sherrif in Snow Hollow, Utah. And works at the Sherrif’s office as well, as second in command. I wonder how he could have gotten that position, because he is grossly unsuited to managing any group of people. He is impatient, rude, prejudiced and nobody in his right mind would have let him in the position we found him in. Even more so, after his dad was taken ill. And the people he was in charge of would either have walked away, or gone over his head to have him removed in the interest of the operation. The most interesting character is the wolf, but he’s not explored, he gets killed before his motivations are revealed. [spoilers ahead!] The revalation of the wolf’s true identity is a nice twist, when it turns out not to be the obvious suspect, who is hinted at strongly, during the second act. Nicely done, that. But the discovery of the true identity has glaring plot holes. Someone from the sherrif’s office returns dvidence to one of the villahers,. After departure from the home, he turns back and says “something you said threw me.” I have replayed thair conversation, it may be my fault but I could not divine what it was what the suspect said that gave him away. He asks the suspect to stand to his full height and so identified him as the wherewolf. The guy was just inside his house, enjoying a coffee! And didn’t notice his length? Also: the suspect must have been seen in town a few times identified as a very tall man. The wolf was the most interesting/intriguing character. Yet, after the final battle, where-wolf man lies on the ground defeated and the sherrif’s aide plain executes him, before he can explain himself to the viewer. No attpt to arrest/interrogate him. Also, earlier, the wherewolf was shit at by a police-woman, yet the wherewolf escapes, suggesting supernatural invulnerability to lead bullets. The writers bit off more than they could chew.