Trudeau Explains That His Carbon Tax Isn’t Working

Canada is flooding AND it is on fire!

Climate fires are sensational! They start from contact with water!

Thanks to #climateChange, H2O is an accellerant! Please, let some scientist quickly tell this to the fire-dept, before they burn down the entire country, trying to put out a fire in someone’s kitchen. People will not be able to escape the fire by jumping into the ocean.

If Trudeau cares so much about reducing energy waste, let him abolish the govt, in its entirety. Coz there has never been any citizen who has ever experienced any benefit from the existence of the #nation state. It is an unimaginable waste of energy! For the sake of the climate: abolish central power! (incl. the individual nations AND any union of them)

How left-politicians/activsts disagree with Marx

I once posted a #climate video on youtube: And one #warmist took it upon himself to comment on my effort by claiming that the data I used only went back to 1977 which meant the graph was meaningless. Utterly ignoring the fact that the vid clearly showed that at least one table went back to 1946 (iirc, it was the #CO2 table from Mauna Loa). The other (Hadley CRU’s temperature data) probably went back to the 19th century. My response was to ask him: if he depended on lies, why bother at all, what value was his point if he needed to lie to score it?

Of course its value was that it allowed him to win and get a smidge closer to the unescapable political nightmare that he wished upon us all (being a socialist in all likelihood).

Which is the Austrian definition of #value: “what the madman is willing to give for it” (manhandling a Dutch expression into English), or rather: value is in the eye of the consumer.

“Wat de gek ervoor geeft.”

Quite the opposite of Marx’s definition: value is determined by the amount of work that goes into a thing. A push-definition, he had quite a dictatorial mind-set. The Austrian is the more consumer-friendly mind-set: if the customer is willing to trade his labour time (salary paid in compensation for…) for an item, it means he values that item more highly than the money, or other things he could have done with it.

Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming

This proves that something mudt be done agaibst politucs, our survival depends on it


Simulaties zijn larie.

Voorbeeld: F1- teams waren verrast door het zgn porpoising van hun F1-auto’s. Maar hebben zelf digitale modellen van hun wagens, aan de hand waarvan ze worden gebouwd. Zouden ze echt niet hebben gesimuleerd, dat die auto’s over een baan reden?

Kwestie van de werking vd lucht- en de staalmoleculen simuleren.

Alleen werken modellen niet zo. Ze weten hoeveel neerwaartse druk de auto oplevert, hoeveel opwaartse druk veren leveren per mm. Zolang je geen formule opneemt, die de neerwaartse druk weghaalt, bij x mm bodemspeling, krijg je nooit porpoising gesimuleerd. Als je niet weet van een fenomeen, maak je er ook geen formule van. Daarom kloppen politieke modellen nooit (klimaat, covid-sterfte).

De onwenselijkheid in cijfers

De onwenselijkheid van politiek is wetenschappelijk bewezen: * Covid-19 doorgetrokken tm 2022

* >1/2 eeuw file inc 1/4 eeuw Kyoto & 1.8 eeuw Rutte (en 5jr ‘klimaatminister’ Jetten).

* 8 jaar Obama+Biden, 7 oorlogen, 1 vredesNobel, 0 dagen vrede. CO2 uitstoot van al hun (onuitgelokte) oorlogen: schier onmeetbaar.

* Aantal keren dat Al Gore daar iets van heeft gezegd: nul. Otewel aantal klimaatleugens die hij zelf gelooft: nul.