Why the soviet computer (and union) failed

https://youtu.be/dnHdqPBrtH8 There are 2 reasons why the state always fails: * Violence never works, yet is the only thing the state ever does. All the time. * The people are the ones that do the work, they are the creative ones, respond to incentives.

Example: Tim Berners Lee invented the web, for the purpose of making it easier for academics to share information about studies etc. I sincerely doubt that Tim gave any thought to electronic reading equipment. Yet Kindle’s Mobi pocket format and the free epub format, used by most other readers, are both simply zip archives, with HTML-files in them, laid out in a specific manner. I doubt that Mr. Berners-Lee imagined that as a possible use for his invention.

Stalin thought he could force the Soviet Union’s academics to create modern computers out of thin air. While in the west, children were figuring out how to set the VCR-clock, and acquainyting themselves with computers and working on software, and in the 1980s famously also hardware (the origin of Apple computer is a wonderful example of this) IBM built the PC 5150, using of the shelf components, making it easier for competition to spring up and offer cheaper compatible versions, giving people the chance to: * make music with computers * sell music (and books, all kinds of other products) * handle the payments, shipping/handling and addressing. When IBM tried to put the cat back in the bag, by.launching the PS/2, it failed gloriously, in spite of technical improvements, resulting in: competitors not paying licensing fees to IBM, IBM dropping the PS/2 adventure and returning to the regular old PC, before selling that to Lenovo. In way I’m happy for that failure, because it is proof thst democracy does work. Shame that OS/2 failed with it, though.

Linux-AMD compatibility

Mixed messages: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=304799 https://community.amd.com/t5/general-discussions/amd-and-linux/td-p/210516 https://www.linux.org/threads/ryzen-3400g-does-not-work-compatible-with-linux.30046/ As it stands, I may have to stick with the market leader – even tho that goes against my principles.