
Merk #woke aan als religie. Dat betekent scheiding van woke en staat. En dàt betekent het einde van woke, omdat dat alleen gedreven wordt door de wens de centrale macht te misbruiken tegen anderen.

Het CBDC-lobbyisme van de koningin Voorlopig zal haar gelobby in nevelen gehuld blijven, want het kabinet weigert interne documenten erover vrij te geven. Want: ‘de eenheid van de Kroon’ en die van het kabinet en ‘het belang van de staat’ zouden in gevaar komen. Oftewel: het volk gaat Maxima echtscheiden. Zij zijn er voor ons en dankzij ons, dus wij kunnen dat. Ze keert zich tegen ons (jut ons op tot opstand) en bedreigt daarmee het baantje vd koning (pleegt landverraad en geeft aan geen koningin te willen zijn). Mevrouw heeft dus op te hoepelen naar Argentinië. En weg te blijven. “Geen opstand” is toch in het belang van de staat?


Joe Biden guilty of:

And pretended that CO2 is harmful and would kill everybody on earth AND presided over non-stop warfare together with Barry O. or allow the wars to go on (fueled a new one with weapons shipments) in his very own term, when his armed forces emit the same amnt of CO2 as 140 countries.

8 years, 7 wars, 1 Nobel for peace, 0 days of peace: 1 firing squad, please.

‘Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe. This scares me

This is why I am scared utterly whitless. There is no chance that they believe any of their climate posturing.

Including of course, the old familiar refrain of Obama+Biden presiding over 7 wars, during their 8 years as Prez and VP, 2 terms, 1 Nobel for peace and zero days of peace as well as zero qualms by Al Gore. Comoare to Donald Trump: 4 years, 6 peace treaties and one qualm from Al Gore.

How much more proof could anyone need before it dawns that our overlords are only in it for the sadistic pleasure? Are they trying to exterminate or exploit us? Either way, we are in deep excrement.

Add to this, the antifascists who claim to be do very concerned about the rise if fascism, while they themselves want what Mussolini wanted (They all feel that the state is more important tham the people living in it).

‘Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe Blasts WEF They are explicitly asking for an uprising. 500 private-jets gather in Davos, to agree on how we-the-inferiors are to be punished for letting them get a way with all their climate-crimes. Meaning: if we are not to get punished (is the next step in this nightmare that a judge will rule that we are not allowed any opinion on the matter of our punishment for things we did not do?), we will have to stop our enemies ourselves. And safe the cllimate while we’re at it. Dutch page, for anyome interested: The shamelessness is taken beyond extremes. That is quite scary, tbh. If they chose to have no shame, how will they ever exercise self-restraint when, it comes to the people?

God save the king

(Pic from Historia 8/2021)
With such eager idiots (yes, politicians) working for him, the king appears in need of divine assistance. In 1921, Britain established Iraq, intended as a model state that would bring stability to the region.
What stability did Hussayn bring?

Hussayn and the other Iraqi where muslims, so he may have been unfamiliar with the quote from Matthew 26:50: “Who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword.” So his kind of stability, the kind invited by ruling over an entire  country’s worth of persons, could not last very long.


Het is vocabulair bijna onmogelijk, maar de totalitaire aard van Den Haegschen junta escaleert met de dag. Nu is het al zo, dat de regering over het totaal aan aspecten vh burgerlijk bestaan, wetten dicteert danwel belasting heft, maar dat gaat nog veel erger worden met de programmeerbare valuta (ook bekend als Stalin’s natte droom of CBDC)


Proof that climate activists don’t believe what Bill Nye or Al Gore or Frans Timmermans or Rob Jetten say about the climate. (They are right not to:

Activists don’t think or believe it, they only say they do, because they have to justify their political wishes. I had this one commenter on Youtube, claim that the fact that the data only went back to 1977 was the reason the graphs show up wrong. The tables go back to ’46 or so, iirc you can even see that number on the screen. Oh my goodness! How do you reply to that? I went with something like: “Dear, if you must lie to get your point, what is the value of that point?” Afaik no reply.

And that is the caste in power. Disheartening. Until you realize that they’re howler monkeys = genetically programmed to howl. Meaning they can’t help it. And so should not be punished, but avoided.

(by removing central power: that helps unexpress their genes and prevents anyone from ever using it against us) The beast eats itself in the end. All we have to do, is kick the stool out from under politics.

Even Al Gore goes not believe a word of it. Proof he does not. Given: In 8 years time, Obama/Biden presided over 7 wars, 5 of which they started themselves. Considering the levels of CO2 those jets, helicopters, ships and tanks etc belch out: this counts as treason, attempted terracide. Al Gore had 8 years to release a public statement, urging them to stop. (he proved able to overcome his reluctance to appeal to a prez, when he made a vid criticizing Trump for leaving the Parisian fake-accord).

If that would not work, he could have pulled strings and had both supreme commanders tried for treason. Given that the firing squad has demonstratively not yet acted upon either one of them, combined with it being such an open and shut case of treason, this is proof positive that Al Gore has not done so. If he had sincerely been scared for the climate, he would not have hesitated even for the blink of an eye. Now, tell me, mister or miss, or most likely neither-mister-nor-miss climate activist, who knows more about the climate? You, or Al Gore?

Gloomy conclusion? This only proves that mankind is pushed in the corner by politics, science and the press. We have no other choice than to strike back.

The hope-inspiring bit: When the inevitable and hoped for disastrous climate crisis does not occur, a lot heads will explode with despair of trying to find a way to twist that into definitive proof that we can still save the climate, if only we appease the god of climate through sacrifices. The magic of cognitive dissonance can only be stretched do far.

Mark Rutte is de meest democratische MP ooit (korte versie)

Na al het klimaatbedrog en filebeleid, corona- en stikstof-uitbuiting, kunnen wij de politiek nooit meer vertrouwen, wwz dat zij geweldloos regeren onmogelijk hebben gemaakt. En dus zichzelf hebben afgeschaft/ons, uit lijfsbehoud, dwingen hen af te schaffen
Na de illegale formatie van ’17 (de verkiezingsuitslag was ongeldig verklaard, omdat die hen niet beviel: dit ging oa tegen art.3 vd grondwet in) had de koning nooit dat onverkozen kabinet mogen installeren. Zij verklaarden de wet n dus zichzelf, ongeldig

Gideon, stikstof beleid #Gideon en #stikstofbeleid Natuurlijk laat hij er niets van heel: ze zijn gebaseerd op computermodellen en dus waardeloos. Want computermodellen benaderen de werkelijkheid niet. Kllimaatheisa drijft er ook op. economisch beleid ook. Intussen wordt het tijd om democratie in te stellen, want ze gieren steeds verder uit de bocht. Er gaan nog ongelukken gebeuren als we ze niet tegenhouden. Tel de volksvertegenwoordigers in de kamer is: ze passen op 1 hand. En dat uit een kamer van 150! Ze grijpen elke flutsmoes aan die ze kunnen om ons aan te vallen, verzinnen ze waar je bij staat. Ontkracht het definitief en ze blijven doorgaan. Alsof ze echt iets geven om de planeet.